Truckload of sanitizer, Covid-19 message heads west

Truckload of sanitizer, Covid-19 message heads west

Truckload of sanitizer, Covid-19 message heads west CAMBRIDGE, Ont. – Shelley Uvanile-Hesch is back on the road, even if the message on the side of the truck driver’s trailer is imploring Canadians to stay home. The message is clear. “Stay Home. Save Lives.” The...
Trucker hauls message as essential as her freight

Trucker hauls message as essential as her freight

Trucker hauls message as essential as her freight Shelley Uvanile-Hesch hopes people will think twice about leaving home during the COVID-19 pandemic after seeing her trailer as she moves vital goods between Canada and the United States. Canadian truck driver Shelley...
Big Rig Wraps Strides Towards a “GREEN” Future

Big Rig Wraps Strides Towards a “GREEN” Future

Big Rig Wraps Strides Towards a “GREEN” Future Green Trucking? When Big Rig Wraps launched, we created a new method for large-scale advertising. In addition to being highly effective for growing businesses, it is affordable – even for modest budgets....
That’s a Wrap!

That’s a Wrap!

That’s a Wrap! Transport truck advertising could be the next big thing in marketing By Carter Hammett If you asked Angela Baltkois what she imagined her career path would look like in five years, it’s probably safe to say that her vision didn’t include 50 feet of...

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