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Traffic in greater Toronto area

Traffic in greater Toronto area

by | Feb 27, 2021 | News

In 2016, over 1.86 million people commuted to Toronto for work by car, with 11.1 per cent of these drivers spending more than 60 minutes on the road, according to new data released by Statistics Canada.

For comparison, only 7.2 per cent of 1.31 million Montrealers and 7.7 per cent of 803,855 Vancouverites took over an hour to commute by car in their respective cities.

There are more than 2.74 million commuters in Toronto who use all modes of transportation. Of that number, 17.2 per cent spend 60 minutes or more travelling to work every day.

Driving to work is the most popular transportation method among Canadians, Global News reports. Four out of five people get to their office by car.

Younger Canadians, aged 15 to 24, were less likely to have a long commute, Statistics Canada’s analysis of studies found.

“One likely explanation is that many younger people have to juggle studies and work, and therefore prefer to spend a minimum amount of time commuting,” their report noted. “Young people are also more likely to work in low-paying and part-time jobs, making jobs with long commutes less attractive.”

Toronto had the highest proportion of commuters who spend 60 minutes or more travelling to work.

The traffic delays in Toronto increase to about 56% during the morning rush hour and 68% for drivers travelling in the evening rush hour period, which leads to a concerning 142 hours of lost time, or five days and 22-hours.

The report also revealed that congestion in Toronto is 31% worse on highways, as opposed to 34% on non-highways and that the worst time to travel in the city is between 5 pm and 6 pm on Thursdays.

“Travelling after 6 pm on Thursday could save you up to five hours per year for a 30-minute commute,” the index said.

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