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OOH & Digital Media – The ​Happiest Marriage On The Block​

OOH & Digital Media – The ​Happiest Marriage On The Block​

OOH (out of home)​ ​advertising is not just a vehicle for raising awareness, it can also drive purchase consideration and intent, and be used to communicate brand positioning.​ ​The scale, viewability and dramatic effect of outdoor advertising helps marketers cut-through and capture consumer attention in a world where other messages struggle to get through.

OOH appears to be the most straightforward and honest medium that works best in pure advertising mode. There is no need for filler content; therefore no interruption and no negative associations take place. People see OOH ads while they are on the go, when they are most receptive to useful information.

​While out-of-home advertising ​has an impact on long-term metrics like brand awareness, new research finds it can also trigger short-term consumer behaviour and drive new customers to engage with brands on their smartphone.

OOH ​advertising ​is ​becoming ​a core part of social and mobile strategies, ​and is ​used as a cent​erpiece by brand marketers to drive more traffic to web sites and generate more engagement on social networks.

OOH is the best primer for all things digital

68% of mobile use is done on the go
Source: ​Omnicom Group

70% of a consumer’s day is spent outside the home
Source: ​Omnicom Group

38%  of consumers have visited or sent a message on Facebook after seeing an OOH ad
Source: Nielsen USA

48% of consumers are more likely to click on a mobile ad after seeing the brand advertised on OOH
Source: Nielsen USA

The bottom line? Big Rig Wraps Transport Truck Advertising offers the best in OOH (out of home) and mobile advertising combined.​ ​​Your message will be seen by thousands daily with the benefit of reaching ​different audiences that happen to be where the truck is traveling. Contact us today to learn more​. ​

Big Rig Wraps Transport Truck Advertising (Big Rig Wraps) is the premier provider of large-scale outdoor advertising on trucks up to 53 feet. Through a series of partnerships created with fleet truck owners, graphic designers, and certified installers, we make it possible and affordable for companies to take their advertising on the road, locally, regionally, nationally and internationally, even if they don’t own their own fleet. Learn more about Big Rig Wraps here.

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