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How To Run A Successful Truck Advertising Campaign?

Your ad is on the truck – how exciting! Now here’s what you need to do to make that truck advertising campaign effective:

  1. Use the image on the truck in ALL of your marketing. It should be the cover on all your social media pages and the first thing they see on your web site. This is critical for brand recognition.
  2. Make sure your web site and social media pages are optimized to welcome the new traffic visiting you after seeing your truck advertising. Do you have a special offer or contest to entice them to “sign up and submit” their contact info so you can add them to your contact database?
  3. Are you promoting the fact that you have a truck ad? Truck advertising positions you as an industry leader. Be sure to talk about your ad and maybe even brag a little on a REGULAR basis on your social media channels.
  4. Are you responding to Big Rig Wraps social media posts that tag your business? A “like” is not enough. This is a golden opportunity to show and shine when we post about you. Comment on the post and interact with those who have commented!
  5. Remember that we are your BRAND AMBASSADOR. We are always happy to share and promote your news, sales and events. Please feel free to ask for our help – it is always our pleasure to help you!
  6. Be patient! Truck advertising is 100% brand recognition. It is top of the funnel marketing, which means that it serves to introduce a company. It plants a message in the minds of potential customers that YOUR company is an industry leader. It positions your business to be TOP OF MIND when a prospective customer is ready to buy your product or service.
  7. Truck advertising is a journey not a destination! Rome was not built in a day and you are not going to double your sales after 1 month of advertising on a truck. It takes time to gain traction and become an industry leader. In fact, 1 – 2 years of exposure is often needed to determine how effective truck advertising is for a particular industry.
  8. How can you determine ROI? There are many factors and indicators. Have you seen an increase in web site or social media traffic? If so, this could be an indicator.
  9. Truck advertising is subliminal marketing that your prospective customers simply can’t turn off. When they need a product or service you provide, they may automatically turn to your business without even knowing why. So even if your customers aren’t consciously aware that they saw your truck ad, don’t assume that this is an indicator of whether your ad is working.
  10. Did you know that prospective customers  need to see a promotional message at least 7 times ( before they will act, even when they actually NEED a product or service?!

The bottom line is that all great things need time to gain traction and deliver results. So be patient, follow our suggestions and we guarantee that truck advertising will be the best investment you have ever made in marketing. But don’t take our word for it, read what our many satisfied customers have to say:

Big Rig Wraps Transport Truck Advertising (Big Rig Wraps) is the premier provider of large-scale outdoor advertising on trucks up to 53 feet. Through a series of partnerships created with fleet truck owners, graphic designers, and certified installers, we make it possible and affordable for companies to take their advertising on the road, locally, regionally, nationally and internationally, even if they don’t own their own fleet. Learn more about Big Rig Wraps here.

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