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Reid’s Dairy

Lev Millwork

Reid’s Dairy is still operated by the Quickert Family with Arthur’s Grandson Stephen at the helm. Our Belleville location boasts a 50,000 square foot operation that supplies fluid milk, creams, ice cream, frozen yogurts, specialty mixes and custom blends, all natural juices and drinks.

Reid’s Dairy produces two per cent of the fluid milk supply in Ontario, with two-thirds of our raw milk coming from dairy farms within 100km of our Belleville manufacturing facility; when you purchase our products you’re also supporting local farmers. We are proudly the largest independent dairy operation in the province. With our on-site quality lab, our product is guaranteed safe and fresh when it leaves our building. We distribute to retailers and institutions from Ottawa to Hamilton.

We are focused on exceptional customer service while ensuring our products are produced with high quality and safe for all families to enjoy. Here at Reid’s Dairy we know establishing and maintaining customer relationships is important. Our state of the art manufacturing facility also allows us the flexibility to offer other services such as custom blending, co-packing options and private label products. Working with retail, wholesale and industrial companies is just the beginning of what we do.

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